Communication Trainer, Selfpresentation Coach
Marion A. Schiller is an expert and trainer for personal impact and supports people in optimizing their impact and communication for various professional areas (pitches, job applications, internal company communication, etc.). After creative work in the 1990s as a theatre director at various Austrian theatres and a year working for television, she switched to the field of marketing and advertising and was, among other things, Marketing Manager of a big company. At the same time she completed a three-year coaching program and team supervision training, then became self-employed and has now been a trainer for personal impact and effective communication for more than 20 years.
Book her workshops and coaching sessions at our store.
Marion A. Schiller recommends the books “The status game”, Will Store and “Status games”, Loretta Graziano Breuning and the Podcast: “Der Körpersprache Podcast”, Dirk W. Eilert: