What we offer

A seven-week online program in English, developed by flight captains, flight attendants, psychotherapists, transformation experts, gamification experts and professors from four European universities. So that our participants can find their new professional destiny without detours but filled with joy.

Inspiration. Information. Interaction.

We offer inspiring examples of people who have successfully achieved a 180° career change. Prominent speakers. Expert input from the best in their field. Community events and one-on-one coaching sessions bring social cohesion.

Not just a course.

Not a boring online course, but a virtual journey around the world, where you get important input—from aptitude tests, to preparing for the next job application, to relaxation exercises while doing yoga. In Tokyo, our participants meet the „Samurai Manager“ who learned from the last japanese Samurai. In London, a start-up Guru awaits them, and in Vienna there is an expert in transferable skills. A futurologist reveals his forecasts in New York, a Sufi master her wisdom in Cairo. A physician leads through the program—and the Minister of Happiness of Bhutan also takes time to bring the essence of life closer.

The full learning experience.

Video clips, podcasts, potential analyses, tasks, tests, zoom calls and coaching sessions make up the sophisticated program, visually presented by a Cannes award-winning film team.

Connecting people.

In the Community Center we connect the participants from several states. Meetings of like-minded people become possible and they can exchange ideas or develop common business ideas—whether it’s online or in the real world.

The result is a fresh start. A practical side effect: companies can present themselves live in the program and directly find employees among our participants.

The story of One Eight Zero 

Professional pilot Michael Marchetti, who had already worked as a journalist and diving instructor before his career as a pilot, quit in 2020 after 15 years in the cockpit and shortly after that he founded One Eight Zero with the vision of supporting other flight crews in a professional reorientation. He was able to win over several experts worldwide for his idea of seeing upheaval as an opportunity. The development of the program was classified as worthy of state and financially support by the Republic of Austria.

Make it happen

Grab the chance and participate in our coaching program! Go to the shop or get more infos via the contact form.

"The evening with you has triggered a thought process for me. I know I want to continue sitting in the cockpit. But for the first time the next morning I thought to myself: possibly flying is not yet everything in my life."

Karin Arning, First Officer, Dubai

"Although flying private jets is booming at the moment, conditions for us pilots have deteriorated in some cases. I know some colleagues who are asking themselves the question of meaning. The ONE EIGHT ZERO program is a valuable offer to reorient themselves professionally."

Capt. Tassilo Lubec, Global Express Businessjet, Vienna

"Here, people who come from the industry are at work with a motivating team. You can feel that immediately. ONE EIGHT ZERO conveys that change is not only negative – for me personally a very valuable approach in times of upheaval!"

Sabine Zimmer, Former team leader Cabin Crew, Lufthansa Frankfurt

"ONE EIGHT ZERO has set a lot of rolling and encouraged me to go new ways. Not to shy away from risk and to rediscover my talents. To find a way out of this mood between dreariness and lack of alternatives."

Capt. Christian Winkel, Bombardier Q 400, Bregenz