This is also true for OneEightZero: we have grown up and are expanding our platform for new target groups. The program for pilots remains unchanged, but in addition we are opening the journey to one's own vocation to all other people in need of change. We are a proud partner of SOS Children´s Villages since March 2024. Our offers include:
"Change starts within," thought the Swedish founding initiative of the Inner Development Goals in 2019, defining five pillars that help achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating and Acting). In addition, 23 human skills and qualities were named that serve one's own development and inner growth. We present these to you and help you to finally get into action. We developped the first workshop in Austria on this topic and are also organizing the Vienna IDG Hub meetings.
Registration at
Check out “Inner Development Goals” from Visionary Films Stockholm.
Confidence, courage and joy are qualities to face life's challenges. That's why we're excited to introduce our new online format: In these sessions, remarkable individuals will share their personal journeys of overcoming obstacles. The speakers will also engage in an open discussion and exchange ideas with you. From the former Miss Austria, who opened the series on September 25th and talked about her journey from outer to inner beauty after a vertebral fracture, to a horse whisperer in Chile who guides animals using only movements or a wealthy banker who decided to cross the Alps on a long distance hike and became a climate activist who sold his car afterwards. Our next event is planned for January 2025.
Our "Lessons in Love" night has been around since April 2023, and the next edition will take place in early 2025 in Vienna (in German language only!). Speakers will share their misadventures, mistakes and missteps in love - on stage. A couples therapist and a coach will lead through the evening, ask questions and invite the audience to participate in discussions. Appreciation and humor are at the forefront.
Tickets available on
Starting anew means letting go of the old. And then living life.
People fear change: we often prefer to accept the familiar evils than not know what lurks behind a dismissal or the end of a (bad) partnership.
We at OneEightZero have made new beginnings our passion. Company founder Michael Marchetti has been a diving instructor, pilot, travel guide, journalist, coach and entrepreneur, and has lived in six countries on four continents. His conclusion: it is not age, education or our financial resources that determine how upheavals turn out, but our ability to embrace new things. And the support of friends in whom we can confide. Professional support is sometimes also really good!
5 times 50 minutes for € 599.- incl. VAT.
Book a free first meeting now!
Welcome to our 49-day inner journey that uses gamification and a holistic approach while helping people to find a new profession and purpose. Check out the video below to see how it works!
Moments can change lives. OneEightZero° founder Michael Marchetti knows what he is talking about: During a 3000 km hike through New Zealand with his wife, his own priorities were completely rearranged. These turned him from a pilot into a company founder and supporter of colleagues who want to reinvent themselves.
Our team consists of pilots, journalists, coaches and transformation experts. We know from our own experience what a strain a job change is and how much courage change takes. The better the preparation, the more successful your new start. We help you do it. Fast. Competently. And above all: human.
Each person is unique, born with talents and gifts to give to the world. Give, to be precise. It's not about how to make money the fastest, but about what everyone can contribute to this world. Whoever finds that will also find his vocation. Whoever can make a profession out of it will also be happy.
"Safe spaces for truth telling is what the world needs most today," says US author Parker Palmer. We agree.
In One On One Coaching, you state your topic and we listen. One hour of not knowing, instead of instant answers. In which you can talk without having to do anything. No fixing, no advising, no correcting. Just the right questions that will take you further.
We from OneEightZero love liveliness. That's why we create spaces where people can come to rest and show themselves. This can be an evening around the campfire with deep conversations as well as a live event or online coaching. Or opportunities to surprise yourself and consciously be out of your comfort zone for a few days. Interested? Then join us for our next Onboarding Zoom Call. For more information, write to:
Our platform wraps all the important information into a journey you can enjoy at home, abroad or wherever you are right now.
If you have any questions regarding our courses, coaching sessions or any other issues you might wanna know more about, use the form to the right and contact us!